funeral assist
Membership open to all South African residents: SA Citizens as well as Foreigners residing in South Africa.
We Provide:

Benefit overview
Herminix offers product benefits as well as a host of In-life benefits as an added benefit for our members.
In-Life Benefits
In-Life Benefits

Save more with our Herminix myWorld International Cashback membership.
24-Hour emergency and medical advice support:
1. Emergency First Aid advice
2. Trauma Counselling
3. Medical Advice Line
4. C5 HIV/AIDS Prevention program
Legal Assist during office hours Monday to Friday.
Assistance with clearing a bad credit record.
Assistance Garnishee order investigations.
Qualify for special rates on Car insurance.
Qualify for special rates on Life insurance.
Up to 10% discount on Courses at Colleges in South Africa.

Product Benefits
Funeral Assist benefits as per chosen membership.
Repatriation anywhere in South Africa and neighbouring countries to the value of R 20,000 per year.
Save up to R 750.00 per month with our Shoprite/Checkers eCoupons program.
Save up to R 750.00 per month with our PicknPay eCoupons program.
Save up to R 750.00 per month with our Dischem eCoupons program.
The removal from place of death (anywhere in South Africa) to a maximum of R 900 per claim..
Storage to a maximum of R 1,000.

membership options
Once off joining fee of R 100.00
For the best way to peruse the options and prices, ensure that your phone's Auto Rotate is active and turn the phone side ways.
Membership Options for age 18 - 65
Funeral assist value
R 5,000
R 10,000
R 20,000
R 30,000
Membership Options for age 66 - 74
Funeral assist value
R 5,000
R 10,000
R 20,000
R 30,000
Membership Options for age 75 - 85
Funeral assist value
R 5,000
R 10,000
R 20,000
R 30,000
Single Member
Membership Fee
R 60 p/m
R 80 p/m
R 110 p/m
R 130 p/m
Single Member
Membership Fee
R 80 p/m
R 120 p/m
R 180 p/m
R 250 p/m
Single Member
Membership Fee
R 120 p/m
R 200 p/m
R 350 p/m
R 470 p/m
Family *
Membership Fee
R 100 p/m
R 120 p/m
R 160 p/m
R 210 p/m
Family *
Membership Fee
R 130 p/m
R 190 p/m
R 320 p/m
R 420 p/m
Family *
Membership Fee
FAMILY: Price of the Membership is determined by the age of the Main Member. The family consists of the Main Member as well as a spouse / partner, with up to 6 children under the age of 21. This includes children placed in foster care with the Main member, as well as legally adopted children. A child older than 21, will have to apply for their own Membership.

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Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd FSP 46444 is our registered Financial Services Supplier