Medical Aid Fees too expensive?
Ask Herminix to assist with medical insurance, funeral plans and so much more...
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We Offer:

Health Assist
Herminix Health4All Assist is a basket of benefits exclusively available to registered members. Health4All is not a Medical Aid Scheme and do not replace any Medical Aid benefits. Health4All is a Health Assist Membership Program.
Main member joining age 18 to 84 years.
Funeral Assist
Membership open to all South African Residence, SA Citizens and Foreigners living in South Africa.
Benefit options age 18 to 94 years up to R30,000 with shorter waiting periods.

Wait, that's not all!!
Included exclusively with our amazing products, you will also receive a whole basket of additional in-life benefits.
Netfluid Mobile
Use your current mobile provider. No Sim swop needed. Buy our airtime and make calls at only 35 cent per minute any time of the day to any SA number. You receive rewards for talking.
Membership includes eCoupons for Checkers, Checkershyper, Dischem and PicknPay for R 750 per month at each of the shops. You can save up to R 2,250 per month.
International E-Wallet platform
ZAR Wallet, USD Wallet, EURO Wallet, Crypto Wallet. Transfer in real time between wallets.
Regenerative Medicine based treatment
Up to R2,000 assistance for Regenerative Medicine Treatment. Regenerative Medicine Treatment includes Stem Cell and Cell-based treatment. Maximum 4 treatments per year at a StemMed Doctor Network Practitioner. Waiting Period – there is a 3-month waiting period on this benefit only supplied by StemMed Dr’s Network
Telemedicine Consultations
Unlimited virtual GP consultations are available through approved pharmacies that has a nurse clinic (Alpha Pharm, Dischem and Medicare).If the nurse believes a virtual GP consultation is necessary, the nurse will facilitate the GP consultation through a video conference link. Pre-authorisation required for 10 or more visits to a GP, Nurse or Telemedicine consultations.
Call a Teacher
Receive help from Teachers with your children and grand children homework, tasks or exam preparations. SA School subjects grade 3 to 12.
Short Term Insurance
You qualify for our special rates on personal motor & household and business insurance through Your Broker House FSP46444.
Shopaway Electronic Mall.
Shop or Rent a Shop in our International Mall.
Save with cashback at myWorld on your purchases at participating members.
Educational Discounts
Get up to 10% Discount on over 1,000 study courses at CTU Campuses in SA.
Free Bond Origination
We’ll assist you to secure an approved home loan from a bank. We act as an intermediary between you (the client) and the banks and advise you on the home loan application process and guide you and the bank to choose the most favourable option for your home loan.
Credit Life
Businesses that offer accounts, loans, credit, rental or rent to own on items. We can assist with a Credit Life Scheme for your business and clients at the most competitive rates in the market. Credit Life insures your clients obligations against death, total disability, temporary disability or retrenchment.

Mense, ek wil gou met julle iets deel van Unity Health. Ek het 'n week of so terug van 'n leer geval en my knieg se meniskus afgeskeur en 'n fraktuur op my voor been net onder die knieg. Ek het deur tannie Katryn by 'n Riana vroutjie van Unity Health uitgekom om my te help. Van dag een wat ek met haar gewerk het, is sy so behulpsaam gewees. Die medies vanself het van die dokters tot extrale, MRI scan, spesialis, hospitaal vir my operasie Donderdag met na ondersoeke en fisio alles gedek met geen bybetaling of enige storie van hulle dek dit nie. Ek moet sê, dit is regtig verbasend goed van Unity Health, dan die vrou, Riana is 'n uitmuntende persoon met haar diens, as ek iets moes doen soos 'n voorbeeld, die MRI scan, het ek haar gebel en dit was nie eers 5 minute nie, dan het ek my authorization nr gehad, sy het my elke keer op datum gehou van wat moet gebeur, 7 uur die aand of vroeg die oggend was sy op die ball. As ek gedink het ek moet haar bel vir iets, was sy een voor my, die oomblik as ek my dokumentasie vir haar gestuur het, het sy my gekontak en gesê sy het dit gekry, as sy dit nie volgens haar vroeg genoeg gekry het nie, het sy my gebel en geherinner. Julle kan gerus wees as jul by Unity Health is en met Riana werk, sy is regtig iemand by wie baie mense kan leer wat diens is. Gedink ek deel dit met julle
VincentI would like to thank you for being such a kind human and sorting out my chronic meds dilemma for me. I slept well last night because of you Riana! Apart from the medication which physically helped, I now also have peace of mind knowing it can continue as well. As I mentioned to you, I've been sick for many years already, (since 2007) so people get tired of constantly having to help, financially and otherwise. So I can now afford together with my SASSA pension, to independently finance my medication. That is HUGE for me, really! I am incredibly grateful and thankful to you and Unity Health!
CarolineTonight I want to thank Riana for her quick response to help me. Today my daughter came home with her son from school, he fell and hurt his arm. I asked on the group if they can help us at the emergency, see that we are on Mula-4-health. Out of the blue I got a call from Riana she help me with unity health and was there every step of the way for us. She touch our hearts today and ones again mula-4-you came thru for me and my family. Our little boy broke his arm but the hospital did take good care of him. Thanks ones again Riana you the star in our eyes. 17:20 she phone me again to follow up how our little boy are. Thanks Mula-4-you and Mula-4-health!

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Your Broker House (Pty) Ltd FSP 46444 is our registered Financial Services Supplier